Test Prep
Our test prep programs are customized to meet the particular needs/style of each individual student. We place equal amounts of emphasis on content, strategy, and emotional support, as we ensure that students are fully equipped with the tools and confidence needed to reach their personal potential on test day.
Our programs generally include weekly sessions, consistent homework emphasizing the lessons/strategies practiced during the previous session, and group test simulations. Our staff members are expert online instructors, or can come to your home for sessions. All materials are provided, and our monthly practice tests are offered at our office space located in Manhattan’s financial district.
Consultations with parents
Set up a timetable
Overview of test logistics
Ongoing test prep
Test-specific executive functioning work
Compile vocabulary / formula list
List of schools
Interview prep
Help with applications
General Test Prep Program 10-Point Plan
Not only do we offer test prep for all standardized tests but we’re also happy to guide students and families through the entire admissions process.
If you don't see the test you're looking for here, please contact us!
Tests We Cover
Jesse helped pair my son with a tutor who helped him get through 6th and 7th grade, and then helped him with his ISEEs. John is a hard working kid, and his tutor really brought out a whole new side of him that helped balance his schoolwork with his studying for the test. And then it was all said and done, John was accepted to every school on our list. Thank you Hartman Tutoring! We're so lucky to have found you.
John C.
8th grade, ISEE
Our Intake Process
Families begin the process by meeting with an HT Director for a consultation, either at our Manhattan office or online. This is an opportunity to answer questions and outline details of the adventure to come. The consultation is immediately followed by an assessment with the student, allowing us to make an ideal pairing amongst our esteemed staff of tutors and coaches for ongoing sessions.